Monday, May 4, 2009

Well a quick update on my non horse weekend

It was pretty boring actually! Loren and I pretty much just slept in, read and watched movies!

But there were a couple things of note:


Ducklings are absolutly the cutest of all babies! Thsese are not the first ducklings I have had around and I still wanted to follow them all over and watch how cute they are!

Since it was raing off and on Lucy decided to be an idiot to keep warm. I had not put her blanket on since the tempature was so warm despite the rain. But for whatever reason she felt it necissary to run around and buck and reat and jump over bushes. At one point she almost ran Eli over when I shooed her away from me. Even though I get pretty annoyed at her I still have to marvel at not only her dexterity but beauty when she run around. She looks more like a TB when she is running around and wet! She is also very good at knowing where to put on the brakes coming down the hill so that she slides just up to the fence or tree but not into it!

Kezi on the other hand could hardly move without sliping since her paddock gets slipery with any little amount of rain, and was very grateful to be moved back into the other paddock where it was dryer. I didnt' take her out for a walk at all over the weekend which I feel guity about now. Kezi is a mess and needs to be cleaned up as well since she full heartedly believes in rolling in the mud!

Hopefully I will get Luke out sometime this week so I can ride!!!!!!!!!!!

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