Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So now what?

This moring I took Lucy on her second ride after having two weeks off becuase of her hooves. She was again good, didn't trip, wasn't slow, seemed eager to be out on the ride. But both times she coughed. I haven't had her cough out on a ride in several months, now she does it on two rides in three days? On this morings ride I did some walk trot tranisions at first but then at the last downward tranisition she sort of stoped on her own with a groan. That coupled with the coughing is concerning me.

I think it is time to have her scoped again. But the questions is, where? Idealy I would like the origonal vet to do it, but I think she moved pretty far away. I know I can contact her through Davis but then they might expect me to bring Lu up there when I would perfer to take her to Peneq, for both easy of distance and because I really like Dr. Peterson. But in something like this I think having a vet who knows her history is really importaint and I know that there is at least one vet there that was involved before, but I am not sure if she was present for the scopings.

I think one way or another she needs to be scoped before I start asking her for very much trotting out on the trail, even if I were to give her another couple months off. Which I don't really feel is necissary. Probably what I will do is keep her on the same schedule of easy rides with increasing distance until after I have paid Alicia's care credit for Kezi's stuff, which I can really do as soon I can pay myself back from the money I transfered into my dads account. Then take her to Davis or Peneq. The other option would be to have Kaci come out and do my spring vaccinations and teeth floating and see if she can scope her, although I would vastly perfer it was done in stocks, Kaci may not have that capability anyway. In that case that would put off scoping her for another month or more.

I have to pay that money off on the care credit by June.
I should have Kaci out in June for yearly checkup.
So that would leave July, although scoping her probably won't cost that much, but Kaci's vist should.

Well, I guess I can only wait and see what happens as far as money goes. Oh and I will be having Luke out again in June as well so that is another expense!

I better go, I have a very mad ducky in my office who will not shut up!!

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