Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Interesting weekend

So I put off posting about my weekend because it SUCKED! For the most part anyway. Lets start if the really sucky parts:

So on friday I determined that I was not going to find the charger to my trimmers and decided that I would have to buy some new ones when I went over the hill for my perscription. We went all over the place and finally determined that I was going to have to buy some new ones. We didn't end up doing it that day and when I got home I kept looking for the charger and came across my mom's old trimmers (ment for people) and my dad suggested that I try them. So on Sunday I did and found out that they don't really work on horses, perticulary fussy little mini's! I Tryed again on Moday night to no avail. So now I am either going to have to buy brand new ones (and be out $80 to $100) or find someone I can borrow some off of. I wish I had gotten around to clipping Ollie a while ago so I wouldn't be so pressed for time. The birthday is Saturday and I still have to put his saddle together and make the alterations to my dress! EEKK!

So sucky part of my weekend number 2:

Lucy is off. I wouldn't say lame exactly, but deffinatly off. I took up a trail we go on all the time and right away she was tripping over rocks and wanting to walk on the side of the trail. I pushed her a little bit at the trot to see if it was still there. Not only was it still there but way worse at the trot. We didn't go very far and I walked her back not wanting to take any chances. I notices coming back that she seemed kinda off on her right front more then her left front, espeshally on the pavement. When we got home I trotted her out on the road but she didn't show any signs of lameness there. If this were a stand alone thing I might not be so concerned about it, but since she was also having similar issues a couple weeks back before she was trimmed, but is not very much so worse, I feel it needs to be adressed right away. I would deffinatly like this to just be her hooves being imbalanced. Several people on HGS suggested laminitis, both from the way she is moving and from her diet change over the winter.

Sucky part of the weekend number 3:

IT WAS HOT!!!!!! Horribly hot! Like "don't even get out of beds its not worth it" hot! It was 103 in San Jose when we went to get the hay on Sunday. It was like steping out into a oven.

Ok now for the one good thing over the weekend:

I added two new additions to our animal kingdom! Two new parakeets. I think I am going to name them Africa and Fiji. I think they might both be boys, a welcome relife from Gisele and Yavain! I will post pictures of them as soon as my phone feels like behaving (its stuck on the favorits page and I can't get it back to the home page! grrr!) Africa is sort of teal (Loren picked him out) and Fiji is mostly white with some blue. I saw them on Friday when we were looking for clippers.

Also, Kezi is lame again. Quite lame too. Limping even at the walk. I am going to e-mail Russ nd see what he has to say. I'm not sure what to do at this point, I am still not ready to give up on her. I may turn her out for the summer and fall and just see what happens. I guess it also depends on Lucy. I may spend my summer hand walking two lame horses! Great just want I so wanting after doing that all last summmer!

Hey maybe I will have better news next post, one can only hope. Oh and as if to add injury to insult, the Santa Cruz Horsesmans association is having an endurance clinic in June. Julie Surh and other top riders will be there and they will go over what to expect at an endurance ride.

I never talk about business here, but sufice to say, my life sucks right now, both with the horses and at my job. And I have finals next week.


Mel said...

I'm so sorry! Many many many endurance riders have gone through rough spots (I would say most). Would you still be willing to audit the endurance clinic (horseless)? It sounds like a really great clinic. I think I would go if I could, where is it exactly?


JB said...

Its in Santa Cruz, about 30 minutes north of Watsonville.
I might e-mail and find out if I can go horseless, it depends on Lucy. My farrier called and put my fears to ease (see above post) so who knows maybe I will be able to take her after all.
I know all horse owners have to go through rough spots, but sometimes I feel like I just have horrible horse luck and just shouldn't have horses. Or because I am so diligent about finding out what is wrong, these horses come to me, like Kezi. I will be posting a one year aniversery post about her tomorrow, which will explain a lot of why I got her and our rough year.