Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New training schedule!

Well sort of, we will see how it goes! As usual I can't wait to write it up on Excel, but it will have to wait until tomorrow when I am at work again!

My god its hot!

Just had to throw that out there! Its not that bad, its just that going from cold windy days where I was wearing two layers of everything to 80 degree weather is a bit shocking!

So last night I rode Lucy after work becuase I was too tired out from the weekend to get up in the moring. It was a lovely ride, except Lucy getting eaten alive by the mesquitos! Its time for them suckers to die! And fly spray is NOT working!

I decided to make this a speed ride. I feel it is time to start conditioning her lungs and heart to faster work, plus start trainning her to faster work. Lucy has alway required that I teach her to trot for longer periods of time. Once she picks up that that is what we are going to do she is great.

We didn't go far, only about half way down the hill after the Y, so all in all about three miles total (2.74 to be exact) We trotted about 90% of the way out until the Y, which is about a little over a mile. We only stoped for branches that needed walking under and for Bruno to catch up! I think we stoped to walk twice on the way out.
Then I walked her up the long strecht after the Y then Trotted from the Y back to the area with all the brush. I let her walk out after that. And wowee did she! She was back to her old breakneck speed! It was nice to see that getting her moving out helped get her walk going more.

For now I feel like our rides are not too taxing and deffinatly getting her back in shape! But here is the new schedule:

Monday: Depending on what was done Sunday:
a. If we rode at Carolyns on Sunday, we ride down the main road and back up for hill work
b. If we rode out on the trail on Sunday, we ride down daves road at the trot.

Wednesday: Just an easy going walk only ride down to the end of Daves road. Eventually we will ride out on a longer ride on this day.

Friday: Depending on what we plan on doing on Saturday:
a. We plan on riding at Carolyns, then we do hill work down the main road.
b. We plan on riding out on the trail, then we do speed work out on Daves road.

Saturday: We ride out on Gazos, Cloverdale or Wilder (eventually we will ride over in woodside and up on 35) OR up at Carolyns.

Sunday: We ride out on Gazos, Cloverdale or Wilder (eventually we will ride over in woodside and up on 35) OR up at Carolyns.

Note: In some cases we may choose to ride both weekend days out on the trail, if soI have to make up time with Sassy during the week, AND we must do some sort of balance training out on the trail.

So thats the plan for now! I will make a spreadsheet for it soon I am sure!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Sounds like you had a great ride. And I agree, it was HOT yesterday. And VERY humid here, which is unusual. I jogged/ran with my horse 4.5 miles last night and both of us were going slower and slower and slower....

Keep in mind that the heart and lungs will get in GREAT condition in ~3 months, but it takes a year for the ligaments and tendons to get to the same level of fittness. Don't get frusterated if the horse gets more time off than you planned for. During rest is when the horse can heal and strengthen.