Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New addition to my blog!

I'm all excited because I finally got around to uploading my tracks! So now they are all saved to google maps, its really cool to see where I have riden on terrain and satellite view! So if you click any of the links below my tracks it will take you to them!

Oh gee the excitement of it all!


Mel said...

Hey - this is cool because I can see where you are located better - How far is Dinosaur point from you? (San Luis Resivour). It's ~1 1/2 hour drive for me and I go quite often for the it somewhere we could meet up at? I *think* it's closer than Creekside Terrace/Fort Ord for you.

Mel said...

Never mind - I relooked at the map. How aobut San Jose????? Is there any place in San Jose that's nice to ride at? That's just under 2 hours. For a day trip I like to keep it 2 hours or less. Spreckels is ~2.5 hours....mmmm....I'll find a way to make it work. It would be really exciting to have someone to ride with. My first available weekend is JUNE!!! ARRGGG!