Monday, March 15, 2010

I don’t feel any older, just more tired


So yep, I had a birthday. Good old 21. I went to work, got yelled at, made macaroni for dinner and watched Lord Of The Rings. Very exciting.

But really, these days, getting older just feels like a farce. Like I am supposed to be older and wiser and more in control of my life. But it seems like every time I get close to being in control and happy, it all goes down the drain again.


I wish I had more to say on this subject, but oh well! I’ll be back with my weekend ride info!



Oh and as far as feeling tired, I HATE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!!


Mel said...

Happy birthday and just for the record... I LOVE daylight savings :)

JB said...

Hehe! I'll get around to being ok with in a few weeks!