Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Crazy week, and Hurrah for Spring!


I love spring, I just wish I had more time to enjoy it! Although part of what is making me so busy is horses, so I shouldn’t complain too much, but I still will!

Lucy is doing really, really well! I rode a couple more times on my trail at home doing flatwork last weekend and was very happy with her. Then I rode with my friend Ellie in Portola Valley. We rode up from the bottom of the mountain up to the top and had lunch at a resturant up there. Lu was a bit confused when I left her tied up with Firefly (and really cute little Morgan that I have ridden in the past), but she kept herself busy by staring ademendly at the firehouse close by. She kept up with Firefly really well (and she is in very good shape) and she floated when we trotted.

When I got back to town I unloaded her at my sisters and took her for a walk up and down the street. I would love to be driving her this summer so I need to get her used to town. My sister brought all the kids out with us and walked behind, which Lucy didn’t mind at all. She was very cool and composed about the whole walk.

On Saturday I rode with another endurance rider who’s horse I am going to be riding over the next year or so. She rode the horse I will be riding and I rode Lucy. Lucy was an angel and behaved herself really well, which was good because Fadzki did not! We decided it was him having not been out for a while and being out with a new horse, and a mare at that.

Daniella was very impressed with Lucy as a trail horse, and love hearing about how precieve Lucy, since I get very caught up in how I think she should behave and whatnot. I’m glad that I have brought her along nicely, espeshally now that I will have another baby around soon.


Today I rode Fadzki by myself at Daniella’s, first in the arena and then on the trail (her rode leads up to a really nice park for conditioning). He is still very tenative of me, and soooo slow! But I think that is because he doesn’t know me yet. Daniella wants him ridden on contact so that is taking some getting used to. I am suddenly really aware of Lucy’s smooth, flowing walk now! Or at least my body is! His walk is very rough and slow, and Daniella rides in a freeform which was a much wider twist then I am used to. So my body may be a bit beat up until it gets used to things. It certainly feels wasted today! But then I am REALLY busy right now.

Anyway, I am going to ride Lu tomorrow morning so I can enjoy a nice smooth pace before riding Fadzki again on Sunday.


I am really really busy right now because I got put in charge of a fundraiser dinner for PCA, AGAIN!! I am so tired of being put in charge of these things. And the really annoying thing is that I have agreed to put together a benefit trail ride later this year. Grrrr! But at least for  that I have friends that I know I can help from, and mostly I will be inviting my horse friends.

So right now I am really stressed and tired and can’t wait for Sunday, hopefully Fadzki will be easy to ride with the other horses and relaxing. After I get back from riding I am taking a nap. Seriously!



Well then, thats my very long update! Its getting close to the time for Georgie to be coming home and I am getting excited and a little worried about how I am going to fit everything in.

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