Tuesday, April 20, 2010

One of those silly little things we ponder in life


So this morning I was laying in bed listening to the rain, commending myself for having the fore site to put Lucy’s blanket on the night before, before it started raining (rather then waiting to see when it would start raining the next day, and inevitable it would start raining before I got a chance to get the blanket on her resulting in a cold, wet idiot of a horse that jumps a mile if you try to touch her) when I starting pondering blankets and horses.

I usually am pretty good about putting Lucy’s blanket on before it starts raining, as long as my father has warned me about the inpending rain as I never bother to check the forecast, if I am curious, I merely ask him, otherwise he will generally tell me.

So do you think that somewhere in the dark recesses of our horses minds (pushing aside the parts that think about hay, grain, whinnying at friends and how much being ridden sucks I am not sure how much is left) they relize that when we put the blanket on them that isn’t going to start raining?

Although there are times when I leave putting the blanket on till the last minute or am not prepared for the rain, for the most part her blanket does go on pre-rain. And there have only been a few instances where I put the blanket on and it didn’t rain. If it fact Lucy is aware that it will start raining after the blanket is put on she must have been very confused those times!

I KNOW my horse wants her blanket on when its raining, why she runs around like an idiot when I try to do so is beyond me, but I know beyond a doubt that Lucy is cursing my very name every second when she is in the rain without her blanket. I think that is why she is hard to blanket once the rain starts, she is just so pissed off at me that I didn’t get it on in time that she feels its ok to make my life hell because  I DIDN’T BLANKET HER BEFORE IT STARTED RAINING.

Lucy takes her personal comforts very seriously. VERY seriously. I (and even more so, Loren) make fun of her to no end because we know how seriously she takes her comforts.


But I still have to wonder if she sees me coming with the blanket and thinks to herself: “Ah crap its going to rain!”. Although probably Lucy blames the bad weather on me. It really wouldn’t suprize me in the the least, I do believe she blames all her other woes (and I am sure that is a very long list) on me.


Now do I wonder if Huck and Ollie realize its going to rain when Lucy gets her blanket on? Ollie, no. Ollie’s brain is mostly used for wondering why nobody loves him, why Lucy gets to wear a blanket (and what he might do to get such special treatment), divising tactics to make sure his head gets into the bucket first (he isn’t so good at that) and planning his next escape from the pasture (which is the only intelligent thing he ever does).

Huck, I am absolutly certain KNOWS EVERYTHING. I have no doubt that he knows every little thing that is going on at our house from how many eggs the chickens laid that day to when its that time of the month for me. If Huck could talk he could explain every one of the worlds problems, how they came to be and how to fix them. But he wouldn’t because its too much of a bother. Huck is not a horse, I think he may have an alien experiment gone very wrong, or perhaps very right, I’m not quite sure!



Anyway, thats what I was pondering today!

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