Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Change and acceptanc?


So I had this whole blog post all ready in my mind (yes its sad, but I plan out my blog posts in my head!) but now I am not so sure about what I was thinking.

So what I had accepted was that neither of my mares are ever going to be endurance horses. Lucy has never really enjoyed being worked, she is not a horse that needs or wants something to do, nor is she the kind of horse that needs lot of attention. All she really wants out of life is to hang out in her pasture with her friends.

So for the last couple weeks Lucy has been very anti-social, I am not even allowed to touch her in her pasture. I am pretty sure she is just mad about our last couple of rides (one very long and hot one that I don’t blame her for not being happy about, and one rather short ride with another horse that she was just a brat on!) and doesn’t want to have anything to do with me.

And of course Kezi is lame and I am concerned that this is not getting any better.


So instead of riding on Sunday, I hiked, and was very happy with it. I was deffinatlly considering just hiking over the next couple weeks and not riding much, just spending time with Lucy in her pasture and  brushing. But then yesterday I went by the bookstore and picked up two books on trails in California (California’s State Parks, a day hikers guide by John Mckinney, I do not recomend, not a fantastic book. And Peninsula Trails, by Jean Rusmore, Exellent book, really like it a lot for trail in my area!) and browsed through them last night. While looking through them I was thinking about how Lucy does seem to enjoy, or at least has more energy, when we are out riding on other trails rather then at home. I always assumed this was because we were riding with other horses and she gets a bit competitive, but then I realized that I have never taken her to a new park (or a park we don’t ride in often) by herself. So now I am going to spend some time at other parks rather then at our trails at home to see if this makes her any happier. My current plan is to hike at the trail on the weekend so I can asses parking and such then ride there during the week.

I am still of course deciding what to do with Kez. I am hoping to hear back from my local vet about when she is coming out so I can get her some anti-inflamitories and also talk with my vet about her oppion on Kez (she has met Kezi once last fall).

I am also thinking about that if I do rehome Kezi if I want to look for another endurance horse. Lots of big decitions.

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