Monday, March 30, 2009

Lucy and I had a fun day!

Mostly. She did not want to be caught at first. Its amazing how she can run full out, bucking down a steep hill and make a persition turn before running into the fence! In the end I used Huck as bait to get her to let me catch her, so I ended up taking Huck with me since I felt bad leaving him behind all alone. We were on our way to Carolyns for some arena work.
It's so nice to have horses that load so well! Huck literally loaded himself! I had just put Lucy in and Huck was standing behind me, so while I was fastening her butt strap he came around and hoped in the other side! Those two are such good horses!
I worked Lucy a little bit in the round pen, free lunging and some pressure work before tacking up. I let Huck loose in the arena while we rode, he went off to make friends with the horses on the other side of the fence but would occationally come running over to check on us!

Lucy was hilarious! She kept spooking at the ground! Its was like: " oh my god scary grass! snort! snort! Ooo I think I should eat it! hahah! Oh holy shit that clump looks vicious! Jump, snort! Oh wait I think I'll eat it!"

It took her a while to get over the grass! Then the barn owners husband had just racked the arena, soooooo,
"OMG! THERE ARE LITTLE LINE ALL OVER THIS ARENA!!! I think they are going to eat me mom!" By the end of our ride she stoped spooking every two feet but was still trying to avoid the very clear lines down the center line. Despite all this spooking and being silly, we actaully did get some good work in! I did sepintines and diagonals with her, concentrating on opening and closing my hips to help her bend around the turn. I thought she did really good! We did mostly walk but her trot wasn't to bad either!

Then I brough Sassy out and worked with her for a little bit! She remember all her Parelli games quite well and was very good.
More to come on her I think!

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