Saturday, August 29, 2009

August rides

Have been fantastic! So we didn’t  really ride around PAFF much, no wonder there, I was so tired and stressed  out from PAFF.

The week after PAFF Penny asked me to go riding, we have been trying to get together to go riding for quite some time now, so it was great to finally be able to meet up!

Penny took me up to Pescadero Creek Park. I was fabulus! The trails are really nice, pretty much single track only, so Lucy got some practice trotting single track.

Getting to ride with Scout was awesome, not since riding with Gerti and Eddy have we riden with a horse that went the same speed as Lucy, or faster, which is fine for Lucy since she will match her pace to the horse if they are going faster then her, just not if they are going slower then her.

It was beautiful weather and Lucy did great!


Then on Tuesday of the next week Sarah and I went riding. We went to Henry Cowell which was pretty easy to get to. Lucy was very energetic as I think the ride with Penny was a bit shorter then our normal rides. Lucy left Reba in the dust a lot! We went up one trail that was very sandy and we trotting almost the whole thing. It was way fun because we were weaving in and out of the trees the whole time. It was deffinatly good to work in the sand.

When we got up on another fire road Lucy decided we needed to trot some more, so she kept picking up the trot on her own! Unusal for her!

Oh and I didn’t have to get off for a bridge once! Lucy even went over one in front of Reba, which really I think is best because Reba can be a wee bit slow and Lucy gets really impatient on top of worried about the bridge. I used my lead rope a bit to get her moving and suprisingly enough she went forward and sniffed the bridge and was ovously trying to make the effort to go over on her own. It was great!

I did get off to go under a bridge that Lucy got a bit freaked out about on our way up, so I figured for how good she was I would get off and make it less scary for her!


I did a good job of staying hydrated and fed, and non sunburned!

So I have been scanning all my maps into my computer so I can make smaller copies of just where we are riding, because the maps are too big to deal with on horseback, thats why I like bikemapdude maps! I am also outlining my favorite rides and will make notes on them so I can go over them before and after the ride.

Yes I over analyze my rides!

We are going on a new loop in Big Basin this weekend! Should be very exciting!

Must my horse destroy everything?

I swear Lucy is out to destroy everything I have to contain her. And the really funny thing is she rarely escapes once she destroys the fence, or as in the case of this morning, her gate.

Luckily she did not actually destroy her gate, no she just lifted the whole thing right up and off its hinges! And mind you this is not a small gate!! Its a rather substainal sized metal and wire gate!

Lucy has already offically broken a fence in every pasture or paddock at my house, now she can add bringing down a gate to her list. Although, come to think about it, it does seem like she torn up the gate in the first paddock at one time too. I remember having to repair it anyway.

Well, anyway, just had to be annoyed at her for that! My next blog will be an update of our last couple rides.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why the end of August is so important


So the end of August is coming up, why is this important? Because back in May when I was trying to figure out what to do with Kezi I decided to wait unit the end of August and if she was still sound I would either turn her out with Lucy or start working her more. So now the end of August is two weeks away, Kezi is still  sound and I am very excited to be doing something with her!

Unfortunately PAFF kinda threw me off so she hasn’t been out for a walk in a while but she is doing quite well as far as running around her paddock with out any problems goes! She is gaining more muscle in her shoulder, which is fantastic, but its kinda lumpy, not smooth like her other shoulder. We shall see what comes of that, hopefully her muscles are just progressing at different rates.


So now the question is what am I going to do with her? Turn her out with Lucy or start working her? I think I will start  doing some more parelli stuff  with her, some ponying off Lucy and some walks for a couple weeks then see how I feel about turning her out with Lucy.

Turning her out scares me so much because she could go tearing down the mountain at full speed and completely mess her leg up again, but at the same time I feel bad for her being stuck in the little paddock when she feels good and seems to be doing so good, plus I think it would help her heal to be able to move around more. Of course hopefully she is already completely healed.


I shall update!


Since PAFF was this last weekend I haven’t gotten to ride since our long ride. I am hoping to ride Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

Monday, August 10, 2009

So our first longer ride since Lucy was sick!

So we got to ride yesterday, yeah!

And it was a fabulous ride! I am very excited about it, well I would be if I could move very much, haha! But I will explain about that later.


The ride set up:

So my plan was to ride from home, up Gazos to Johansons. Then Johansons to Middle Ridge Road, back to Gazos and then home.

Here are my estimates on mileage:

Home to Sandy point 3.9 miles

Sandy Point to Middle Ridge Road, via Johansons 2.5 miles

Middle Ridge Road to Gazos 3 miles

Gazos to Sandy Point 5 miles

Sandy Point to Home 3.9 miles

Total: 18.3 estimated.

I can’t say for sure how long we took since we stopped to talk several times and I did not check the clock as soon as I got home. But I left the house at 11.30 and got back in the house at 6pm. So I would say that total ride time was about 5 hours, maybe less.


Well obviously I took Lucy! And her normal tack, Marciante saddle, Parelli hackamore, I had to use my baby blue breastplate on her since I left my good one in town :( It hangs too low on her shoulders I think. I packed the back saddle bag with a bottle of water, sunscreen (after applying two times!), hoof pick, map, twine (always in there), craisins (also always in there and probably a bit old at this point!), stethoscope (which I never use). But I defiantly need a new saddle pack as this one bounces around too much.

I got to ride my my trail stirrups! I hadn’t done so before because the fenders were wider then the stirrups, and I didn’t want to stretch out my fenders. So I wrapped my stirrups in cardboard then taped them so that the top part where the fender sits was wider. It worked pretty well but then my fenders could slip sideways a bit and not say straight on the stirrup, but I think that help my stirrups sit straighter and made it more comfortable for me.

Then I put my english seat saver on my endurance saddle, I don’t have one that fits it yet and seriously needed it! I was determined not to have a sore bum.


Here is Miss Lucy all ready to go! She looks annoyed.


So the breakdown of my ride!

Home to Sandy Point:

I walked her down my road as usual, its just much easier not to have to fight with her since she will try turning around to go home until we get a certain distance away from home. I think we were making pretty good time up Gazos until we met up with this guy and his dog, who I ended up talking to for a while. Lucy was happy since we stopped right at a big bunch of grass! She is defiantly doing better breathing wise going up that hill, I am very pleased!

At Sandy point we met up with Eric ( I bought Lucy from him when she was 5 months old). This was the second time I had met up with him I think Lucy is one of his nicer horses that he bred. I won’t go into  how he breeds his horses all that right now since it doesn’t have anything to do with our ride.

Sandy Point to Middle Ridge Road, via Johansons:

So at this point we started trotting some. Pretty much only on flat but I did start pushing her up a few small hills. I have been letting her walk up all hills even little ones so now I am reminding her that she is capable of trotting up the hills. I  think we did this in about 20 to 30 minutes. I did make her trot quite a bit, all flat spots at any rate.  Although Johansons is rather hilly, I knew it would be nothing compared to what was coming on the next trail!

Middle Ridge Road to Gazos:

So the middle ridge road is pretty much all up and down. Mostly down, but some up (going south east anyway). I got off and walked it all. I let her stop and eat quite a bit. I figured it would be our time to settle down and get our energy back for Gazos, or at least for Lucy to get her energy back for Gazos. I let her eat since it would help keep her hydrated, put some food in her stomach and give her a chance to stop and rest (and me too!). We met up with a rather large group of hikers on the middle ridge road.  I would say we took at least an hour on the middle ridge road.

Gazos to Sandy Point:

This was probably the best part of our ride, the walking and resting on middle ridge road really paid off  as Lucy was really refreshed and ready to go! Gazos is more or less flat so I knew we would be doing quite a bit of trotting. At first it was a little too downhill to do a lot of trotting, then it evened out and we started picking up our speed. We came up on the creek that I had remembered from before just when the trail started to flatten out more. I filled my water bottle and let Lucy drink. She did drink but not a lot.  We pretty much trotted at least 50% of the time if not more until we came to the open areas. Lucy was more into trotting at this point and would spring into the trot at the lightest touch, but I let her choose more or less when we walk again. She is still learning to trot longer distances.

When we came to the open parts I doused her with water and reapplied my sunscreen. She was trotting gaily when we got back to sandy point, I think physically she could have done more, and possibly mentally too. At Sandy Point Eric had water for us, she drank a lot more there!

Sandy Point to Home:

I walked her down Gazos as is my norm, mostly to save my knee which was killing me from my stirrup. The pain had gone all up into my hip! I got back on after the gate and figured we would walk up the hill, even though  Lucy felt like she could do some trotting. I let her choose what to do and she choose to trot a bit. I was ok with this because she was energetic and breathing well. We met up with my father, brother and his two kids at the spring. The kids of course wanted rides, Tyler as finally gotten over being afraid of the horses, and even remembered Lucy’s name! I was really surprised. So they got a short ride (was impressed that Lucy was ok with turning back around away from home) and then Kylie got to ride on Lucy up to the house. This is where my story goes a little bit downhill, not for Lucy or Kylie but for me. Lucy was a gem, I love having a horse that can go out and do endurance training so well and then come home and be safe for my 5 year old niece!

While Lucy did great going up the hill, and Kylie had a blast, I literally almost passed out! Lucy walks very fast, and Kylie kept talking with me so I got really out of breath. When we were almost to my driveway was when  I realized that I was in real danger of passing out. I have never passed out before but came really close once when getting stitches out. I made myself walk her up to the pasture then sat down  my the feed bins while Lucy munched on hay. If I had stood up at all I would have pass out for sure. A couple times when I sat up more my vision went all black. I sat for quite a while so my brother came up with Tyler to let him sit on Lucy while she was eating too. It was pretty cute, but I was too out of it to really care. I have no idea how long I sat there but even when I did get up to take Lucy down to be untacked I had to sit down on the ground every 50 feet or so. I had to drag myself into the house to get a piece of bread so that I had enough stangth to unsaddle Lucy. I was pretty weak the rest of the evening and even this morning I am still weak and my legs still really hurt.

So why did this happen? Very simple, I never remember to eat before going out riding. I ate like four pieces of cheese before I left at 11:30 then walked at least 5 miles on our ride which was rather long! I managed to keep myself hydrated but not fed. Loren was a bit mad since he keeps telling me I need to eat before riding. I am a bit strange in that I will often not eat even when I am hungry. I would probably have more energy and less breathing problems if I ate more.

I am defiantly going to buy some little packets of nuts and dried fruit for packing in my saddle bag for next time.

I think Lucy could handle a ride like this every two to three weeks.

I had some thoughts on interval training. I was thinking that I should work her up hills a bit more before doing much IT, use that as our IT for now and not higher speeds. We shall see what happens.


What did I learn on this ride?

I need to eat before and during my rides! I take better care of Lucy then I do myself!

I need sports bra for riding (I had some bra strap issues! hehe)

I need a better saddle bag, preferably one that holds more water bottles.

And Lucy is in great shape! Yeah!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Little tid bits here and there

So I guess first an update from last weekend!

I didn’t ride, I know I am horrible! but I did get Kezi out! yeah!


I lunged her just a little bit, we had been working on her just walking when she is on the line and she seemed to remember! I then went up to the trot and whenever she started getting too excided I would slow her back down and go back to the walk. It didn’t take very long before she was calmly walking and trotting around on the lunge, I am very happy!

She is a lot of fun to work with! Our walk went well too.

On Tuesday I trotted her a bit more and she really seemed to enjoy that! She is much easier to trot in hand then Lucy. Lucy feels no reason to slow down her normal speed just so I can keep up!

I don’t know if this is Kezi’s normal speed or if she is just being considerete of me.


I got my laptop over the weekend! Wowo I am excited, but I am been stressed that almost isn’t that exciting. But it still is at times.


So tomorrow I am taking Lucy for a much longer ride then usual. We shall see how it goes.